
Student working on her computer.

Certification Examinations

Candidates who seek a teaching certificate for the first time, known as the NYS Initial certificate, must complete the following teacher certification exams. (These exams are in addition to the completion of a teacher preparation program). You can be recommended for certification prior to passing any/all exams, however, your certificate will not issue unless you have achieved a qualifying score.


Certification Examinations

Content Specialty Test (CST)

This NYS exam(s) that tests understanding of the content/subject you are getting certified to teach. See "Search Certification Requirements" below for specific exam(s) required for your program.

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Educating all Students (EAS)

ALL STUDENTS, this NYS exam that tests pedagogical knowledge of working with English Language Learners and Students with Special Needs.

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Teacher Performance Assessment

NYSED voted to eliminate the edTPA. Teacher Preparation Programs are required to adopt their own TEACHER PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT by 9/1/2023.

Having Trouble Getting Exams to Transmit Properly to Teach?

In order for exam scores to appear properly in your TEACH account, all account information in your NYSTCE (Pearson) account must match exactly what is listed in your TEACH account (full name, Social Security number, date of birth). The name listed in both accounts must contain the same exact information (e.g., - middle initial, hyphenated names must be the same, last name, no nicknames, etc). First, you must log in to both accounts and make sure that all information matches exactly. If your accounts don't match, you must change your NYSTCE (Pearson) account to match what is listed in your TEACH account. This should solve the problem. Exam scores are continuously transmitted between the NYSTCE system and the TEACH system. After you have made the change that makes both accounts match, you should see your score appear in the Account Information section of your TEACH account within a few days. It is the applicant's responsibility to ensure that their name matches across both accounts, to make sure that the exam result(s) are transmitted properly.

If you have any questions about how to get your scores transmitted to your TEACH account, you can contact NYSTCE (Pearson) at (800) 989-8532.