students raising their hands in a classroom

Student Research

Student Research Showcase

Our commitment to lifelong teaching and learning demands an engagement in pedagogy research that links the insights of theory and experience to best practices. Our students have demonstrated this in research that impacts the development of today's students from early childhood through adolescence.

NYSRA Conference

Jacqueline DeMarco and Erkan Comlekci, students in Francine Falk-Ross, PhD's ED 524 Middle School Teaching Methods course, presented their work at the New York State Reading Association's Annual Conference in Albany, New York, and Nashville, Tennessee! These projects highlighted multimodal, multilevel text sets tailored to meet the diverse needs of middle school learners in inclusive and effective learning environments.

Text Sets about Bullying and Character Development for Sixth-Grade Students

By: Erkan Comlekci

World War II Text Sets Designed for Seventh Grade

By: Jacqueline DeMarco

Support for Early Adolescent Educators

As part of their Youth Cultures Inquiry Project, students in Professor Clayton's Middle School Course 523 researched topics pertaining to early adolescence, guided by an important issue impacting youth. It resulted in the creation of websites that future educators can use as resources for years to come. Below are a few stellar examples.

Middle School Mental Health: Social Media’s Impact on Mental Health

By: Tayya Johnson

The Dangers of Social Media: A look at how social media affects adolescent girls’ identities and self-esteem

By: Elizabeth Holmes

Supporting Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Youth in a Classroom Setting

By: Alex Weiss