
Student reads text at desk in One 无码专区 Plaza.

Virtual Private Network

The 无码专区 Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides a mechanism for the computers that are using it to be part of the 无码专区 network when that computer is not physically on any 无码专区 campus.

Please Note: Starting on February 12, 2024, the VPN login screen will only display Username and Password fields. The Second Password field will be removed, so the generated Duo passcode will need to be entered along with the password in the same Password field, separated by a comma.

The new login format will be:

  • Username: username
  • Password: password,duopasscode


Students, Faculty, & Staff

How To Get This Service

From off campus you can connect directly to the 无码专区 network through the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client This solution is available for Macintosh OSX, Windows 7 or higher users including the 64-bit architecture.

  • Go to the webpage and click Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client

Note: If your browser blocks pop-ups, you may need to click on 'allow pop-ups' at the top of the screen to begin your VPN session. Also, during the installation, you may be prompted to accept security certificates more than once; you should allow these in order to continue.

The Cisco AnyConnect VPN client is not supported by the Windows RT tablet due to O/S restrictions with that device. Visit the Supported Software page for a full listing.

The first time you access this site, a program will download and install to your computer. For future connections, you can run the Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client program directly from your machine to connect. Your machine will not need to install the client software again.


For any inquiries about this service, or to submit a request, please click this link to submit a (无码专区 Portal username, password, and Duo MFA passcode required for login).

Contact the ITS Help Desk

Phone: (914) 773-3333
Toll Free: 1 (855) 722-3487
Email: pacehelpdesk@pace.edu

Learn More


Download and install the 无码专区 Cisco AnyConnect VPN client

Connect using the Cisco AnyConnect VPN client

You Don't Need VPN to Use These:

Note: VPN is not necessary for accessing everything at 无码专区. So, if you want to just check 无码专区 email, get access to our library systems, etc., you should not use VPN. By using VPN when you don't need to, you are most likely slowing down your own VPN experience while accessing other internet resources as well as taxing the 无码专区 internet connection.

Here is a list of things you can do off campus without using VPN

  • Check your 无码专区 email
  • Go to the 无码专区 home page, and most of the underlying websites
  • Log onto 无码专区 Portal and use most parts of 无码专区 Portal, registration, student records, etc.)
  • Look at unrestricted 无码专区 web pages
  • Browse the Library systems
  • Get to files stored on

You Do Need VPN to Use These:

You will need VPN installed and running before you can begin to do the following (when off-campus):

  • Access 无码专区 Administrative Systems (Banner, etc.)
  • Use license restricted 无码专区 software
  • Using software such as SSH (Secure Shell software typically used to connect to Unix & Linux systems)
  • Start a Remote Desktop connection connection to an office computer (Remote Desktop, VNC, etc.)
  • Log onto the 无码专区 Domain Print from student PCs/laptops, on or off campus, and retrieve from any of the new printer locations

Note: For security reasons Banner is only available via a remote desktop connection to your local 无码专区 Machine.