
Students and professor working in a tv studio.

Email Account and Group Distribution Lists

Email Account And Group Distribution Lists

Microsoft Outlook for Exchange is the university integrated email and calendar services for all current faculty, staff and students. Exchange offers email calendar invites, scheduling views for multiple calendars, and shared calendars.


Students, Faculty, Staff, & Contractors (based on access granted)

How To Get This Service

Faculty, Staff, And Contractors

The currently recommended client for email is Microsoft Outlook 2016. If you have a pace-owned machine this application will be automatically installed. Otherwise, you do have the option to download the latest version of the Microsoft Outlook client from the site for work-related purposes.

Faculty and Staff can also access their email via

Students and Law Students

Communicate with students, professors, friends and family, and keep your schedules organized by using the email and calendar system.

Students can access their 无码专区 email via


For any inquiries about this service, or to submit a request, please click this link to submit a (无码专区 Portal username, password, and Duo MFA passcode required for login).

Contact The Its Help Desk

Phone: (914) 773-3333
Toll Free: 1 (855) 722-3487
Email: pacehelpdesk@pace.edu

Learn More

End Appointments And Meetings Early - Outlook 365 Feature

  • When this option is selected, the end time of all meetings and appointments you create will be reduced by the specified number of minutes you set.
  • This feature is exclusive to Outlook 365 for Windows. If you are currently using Outlook 2016/2013 for Windows this feature will not be available. Users can (including Outlook 365).
  • Mac Users: As of April 2021, this feature is not yet available in Outlook 365 for Mac.