The primary functions of an institution of higher learning are teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. Each member of the University community is required to cooperate with the University in its endeavors to foster and maintain the freedom of expression and exchange of ideas necessary to achieve excellence in teaching, learning, scholarship, and service. The University strives to protect the rights of its students and employees (including faculty members) to publicize opinions through written and oral communications; to organize and join political associations; to convene and conduct meetings; and to advocate, demonstrate and picket in an orderly fashion. Further, members of the University community are responsible for fostering and maintaining respect for the dignity and uniqueness of one another.
In order to preserve an atmosphere in which a free exchange of ideas may flourish, and to ensure the dignity and safety of all members of the University community as well as the unimpeded operation of the University (and as required by federal, state and local laws including, without limitation, N.Y. Educ. Law 搂 6430), the University hasadopted the Guiding Principles of Conduct.
The University Guiding Principles of Conduct applies to all members of the University community including, among others, employees, faculty members, students, applicants for academic admission and employment, visitors, guests, vendors, contractors, and other third parties while they are on University premises or at University-sponsored activities. References to 鈥淯niversity premises鈥 in these Guiding Principles of Conduct apply to premises either owned or leased by the University.
The Guiding Principles of Conduct are not exhaustive and include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Civility, Responsibility and Respect
Faculty, staff, and students are to respect the dignity of others, acknowledge their right to express differing opinions, and to foster and defend intellectual honesty, inquiry and instruction, and free expression on and off campus. These freedoms of expression extend as far as the expression does not infringe on the rights of other members of the community or the orderly and essential operations of the University.
A. Compliance: Members of the University community must comply with the directions and expectations of Faculty and Staff regarding reasonable standards of behavior in classes, University Offices, and/or at University events and programs.
B. Compliance with University Administrators: Members of the University community are required to comply with the instructions of a University administrator, or other duly authorized agent of the University, too, for example, display or present identification. Members of the University community are also required to evacuate University premises and University Sponsored events when directed to do so by authorized personnel or mechanical device (such as a fire alarm).
C. Academic Freedom: Interference with academic freedom, including speech in the classroom and by University approved guest speakers, is prohibited.
D. Lewd Conduct: While on University premises or at University-sponsored events, members of the University community must not dress or conduct themselves in a manner that would be considered lewd or indecent.
E. Demonstration and Rallies: Strict compliance with the University鈥檚 policies and procedures concerning demonstrations and rallies is required.
F. Information Technology: Strict compliance with the University鈥檚 policies and procedures concerning the appropriate use of information technology is required.
G. Postings: Prior approval from the appropriate University administrator must be obtained before any materials or documents may be posted or distributed on University premises or at University-sponsored events.
H. Recordings: Video recording/audio recording, including, but not limited to, cell phones, tape recorders or any other devices may not be used without appropriate prior authorization.
I. University Operations: Obstruction of or interference with the normal operations and processes essential to the University is prohibited.
J. Unfavorable Conduct: Conduct on or off campus in a manner that reflects harmfully or unfavorably on the University鈥檚 good name and reputation is prohibited.
K. Financial Obligations: Members of the University community are required to timely satisfy their financial obligations to the University, including, but not limited to, amounts due to the Office of Student Accounts, the University bookstore, the University library, University housing, the Student Development Office, and Safety and Security.
2. Theft, Vandalism or Property Damage
A. Theft: The taking of another person鈥檚 property and /or University property or services without permission or consent is prohibited.
B. Willful destruction/damage: Willful destruction, misuse of, and/or damage to another person鈥檚 property and/or University property and/or property utilized by the University shall be prohibited.
3. Weapons
A. Weapons: The sale, purchase, possession or use of incendiary devices, explosives, or dangerous weapons (including any item or material which could be used to inflict injury or harm or to intimidate) on university premises or at university-sponsored events is prohibited.
B. Toy and Imitation Weapons: Toy weapons, explosives, and firearms meant for recreational use and realistic-looking imitation weapons are prohibited in residence halls and on campus grounds, unless they are part of an event approved by the Office of the Dean for Students.
4. Alcohol and Other Drugs
A. Alcohol
- A1. Underage Alcohol Use: Consumption of alcohol by any member of the University community who is under the age of twenty-one is illegal and prohibited on University premises and at university-sponsored events. Supplying alcohol in any quantity to a member of the University community who is under the age of twenty-one is illegal and prohibited. (Further information may be found in the University鈥檚 Drug and Alcohol Policy.)
- A2. Intoxication: Members of the University community are not permitted to be intoxicated, or to become intoxicated, while on university premises or at a University-sponsored event.
- A3. Alcohol at University Events: Even though its possession or consumption may otherwise be lawful, alcohol, except in limited circumstances, is not permitted on University premises or at University-sponsored events unless approved by the Dean for Students Office.
- A4. In the Presence of Alcohol: Students under the age of twenty-one should not be in the presence of Alcohol.
B. Drugs
- B1. Sale of Drugs: The unlawful sale, distribution and/or manufacture of controlled substance and/or drug paraphernalia on University premises or at University sponsored events is prohibited. (Further information may be found in the University鈥檚 Drug and Alcohol Policy.)
- B2. Possession of Drugs: The unlawful possession of controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia on University premises or at University sponsored events is prohibited. (Further information may be found in the University鈥檚 Drug and Alcohol Policy.)
- B3. Use of Drugs: The use of controlled substances and drug paraphernalia on University premises or at University sponsored events is prohibited. (Further information may be found in the University鈥檚 Drug and Alcohol Policy.)
- B4. In the Presence of Drugs: Persons not using or possessing controlled substances and/or drug paraphernalia, should not be in the presence of those who are.
5. Physical and/or Mental Harm
A. Cause Injury: Deliberate actions that cause, or might reasonably be expected to cause, injury, either physical or mental, to any member of the University community are prohibited.
B. Violence: Engaging in any act of physical force that causes or is intended to cause harm is prohibited on or off campus. This may include physical restraint, assault, or psychological harm.
C. Intimidation: Intentional behavior by a student or group of students that puts another student or group of students in fear of harm of person or property is prohibited on or off campus.
D. Bias: Engaging in violence or intimidation against another person or destroying property because of bias or prejudice, whether on or off-campus, or at a University-sponsored event.
E. Hazing: Any action or situation which recklessly or intentionally endangers the safety or mental or physical health of any member of the University community or involves the forced consumption of alcohol or drugs for the purpose of initiation into or affiliation with any organization is prohibited on University premises and at University-sponsored events. In addition, such conduct by students and employees (including faculty), whether on or off University premises or at University-sponsored events, also is prohibited.
6. Solicitation and Gambling
A. Solicitation
- A1. Solicitation by Student: Solicitation by students, student clubs and student organizations including, but not limited to, fundraising, on University premises or in connection with a University-sponsored event is prohibited without the prior approval of the Director of Student Engagement and/or Dean for students Office.
- A2. Selling of Goods: The solicitation of goods or services by one staff member to another during regularly scheduled work time is prohibited. Selling commercial goods and distributing promotional information and handbills in regular work areas is also prohibited. (A copy of the Solicitation and Distribution policy may be found in the 无码专区 Employee Handbook.)
- A3. 3rd Party Solicitation: All people who are not 无码专区 community members such as applicants for academic admission and employment, visitors, guests, vendors, contractors and other third parties, are prohibited from soliciting and/or distributing on University premises or in connection with University- sponsored events without prior approval from the Office of Safety and Security.
B. Gambling: Gambling is not permitted on University premises or at any event sponsored by a student group or organization, unless approved by the Director of Student Engagement and/ or the Dean for Students Office.
7. Falsified Documents
A student may not knowingly provide false information or engage in misrepresentation to any University office/official. In addition, forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of University documents, records, or instruments of identification, forged or fraudulent communications (paper or electronic mail) are prohibited.
8. State/Local/Federal Law
Conduct by a student, faculty or staff member that violates local, state, or federal laws may also constitute a basis for disciplinary action by the University.
9. Overall Compliance
Strict compliance with all rules, policies and practices promulgated and/or adopted by the University is required.
Any member of the University community who violates the University鈥檚 rules, policies or practices, including, among others, the Guiding Principles of Conduct, may be subject to disciplinary action (including without limitation immediate ejection from University premises and/or University-sponsored events) and/or to legal actions. Similarly, any recognized club or organization that violates its constitution and/or by-laws, or authorizes conduct prohibited by the University鈥檚 rules, policies or practices may be subject to disciplinary action (including without limitation rescission of approval for that club or organization to operate on University premises or at University-sponsored events, whether on or off University premises). As may be necessary, the University may request the assistance of law enforcement agencies to maintain order and/or may seek injunctive relief.
Revised: July 10, 2023