Preparing Future Leaders

Do you see yourself developing the next big app, or designing software that helps address social and global challenges? We prepare the next-generation of software engineers, computer scientists, and entrepreneurs to excel as IT hardware and software technicians, systems administrators, web and app designers, database administrators, software developers, business analysts, or specialists in the quickly growing fields of cybersecurity and cryptography.


new US tech jobs in past year (Source: CompTIA)


of Seidenberg students are employed, continuing their education, or pursuing service within one year of graduation


average salary for computer scientist jobs in NYC (Source: PayScale)

young woman sitting at a computer

Critical Connections

Computer science major Mackenzie Dolishny had no coding experience when she first came to ÎÞÂëרÇø. She worked hard to catch up, landing internships at the likes of IBM and American Express, and even a full-time job at Microsoft.

Learn By Doing

Andrew Iadevaia, ’23 (BS Computer Science ​​​​​​) loves working with computer systems. When he first arrived at ÎÞÂëרÇø’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems, he only knew one programming language: Java. Knowing that, to succeed, he needed to expand his knowledge and experience, he started joining student teams.

Andrew Iadevaia