
ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll

The Lubin School of Business launched the ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll in the spring of 2021​ in partnership with the Business Council of New York State and the Business Council of Westchester. The poll is being implemented by ÎÞÂëרÇø Connect, a student-run research center that is part of ÎÞÂëרÇø's Center for Student Enterprise.

The poll studies issues affecting downstate New York businesses. The initial poll, in 2021, focused on the effects of the pandemic on downstate NY businesses. Ongoing polls will focus on recovery and other issues affecting businesses in New York City and Westchester counties. Surveys will be conducted by phone and email every spring and findings will be released in conjunction with the co-sponsor organizations.

Spring 2023 ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll

The third ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll was conducted in spring 2023. The report shows that most employees today are working with a hybrid model of some at-home and some in-office work. Many other new procedures have also carried over from the pandemic. Most businesses say that they have replaced many meetings that used to require travel with virtual meetings and have cut their travel budgets accordingly. Less than half of businesses still require employees to have COVID vaccinations. Significantly less businesses reported having difficulty bringing employees back to the office than in 2022, but most said that it is still harder to hire than before the pandemic, primarily due to a lack of interest in working hard and a preference for a work-from-home environment. Many said there is an increased interest in work/life balance among employees.

The majority of responding businesses say that they came out stronger after the pandemic and most were optimistic about the future of business in New York City and the metropolitan area. A substantial majority of businesses increased wages in the current fiscal year. Most businesses stated that they were heavily impacted by recent inflation. The top issues raised by respondents were rising cost of supplies, difficulty hiring or retaining staff, and the rising cost of labor.

Spring 2022 ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll

The second ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll was conducted in spring 2022. The report showed that most employers are more flexible now than they were before the pandemic with many more employees now allowed to work from home. Most of the managers surveyed said that they implemented new procedures, added new products and services and emerged stronger than before the pandemic.

Most employers required employees to be vaccinated and many said they were still having difficulty hiring and getting staff to work on site. About half of businesses still had less than three-quarters of their staff back on site. More than half were optimistic about the future of New York City and surrounding areas for business.

Spring 2021 ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll Report

A survey of business leaders from New York City, Westchester, and Long Island showed that most area businesses were able to stay open during the pandemic, though many were negatively impacted financially. Most of the leaders surveyed said that they implemented new procedures and went to remote work during the pandemic and most feel that they learned important lessons and emerged stronger than they were before the pandemic.

CSE Director Dr. Kathy Winsted
Dr. Kathryn Winsted, ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll Director

Contact Us

For further information, contact Dr. Kathryn Winsted, ÎÞÂëרÇø Business Poll Director, kwinsted@pace.edu or contact pacepoll@pace.edu.