Faculty Publications 2023鈥2024
Haub Law鈥檚 distinguished faculty are involved in important scholarship and civic engagement on critical issues that span many diverse disciplines of law and policy. Their scholarship has been published in top law reviews and been cited by numerous courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. Through their work, our faculty are helping to shape law and policy across the country and around the world.
Featured Faculty Books
Hot Flash: How the Law Ignores Menopause and What We Can Do About It, Stanford University Press (2024)
In their new book, Haub Law Professors Waldman and Crawford (with Naomi R. Cahn), explore cultural, legal, and medical attitudes toward menopause and highlight how societal taboos around reproductive health contribute to ongoing inequities. The authors suggest concrete changes to existing legislation and workplace policies to better support those going through menopause and advocate for an intersectional, equity-focused approach.
Adapting to High-Level Warming: Law, Governance, and Equity, Environmental Law Institute (2024)
Most legal scholarship related to climate change assumes only modest planetary warming 鈥 but scientists warn that more accelerated temperature increases are likely. A new book edited by Professor Katrina Fischer Kuh takes on the legal and ethical challenges this possible future presents, exploring how governance systems must adapt to protect vulnerable populations and ensure a just transition in a world facing severe environmental shifts.
Social Movements and the Law: Talking about Black Lives Matter and #MeToo, University of California Press (2024)
How have the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements shaped law and culture? A new book co-edited by Professor Bridget J. Crawford (with Lolita Buckner Inniss), uses dialogues with 12 leading scholars to examine how these 21st-century social movements continue to intersect with and influence legal discourse. The book鈥檚 intersectional analysis places both movements in historical and social context and offers insights into their potential futures.
The Federal Arbitration Act: Successes, Failures, and a Roadmap for Reform, Cambridge University Press (2024)
Co-edited by Professor Jill I. Gross, this timely volume marks the 100th anniversary of the Federal Arbitration Act. Over 30 leading scholars and practitioners analyze the Act's successes and shortcomings and highlight the flaws in current interpretations. With concrete proposals for reform to ensure fairness and equity, the book provides a roadmap for the future of arbitration in the United States.
Recent And Forthcoming Publications
Camila Bustos
- Representing Climate Villains, __ N.Y.U. Env鈥檛 L.J. __ (forthcoming 2025).
- Displacing Climate Precarity, 87 Alb. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Julia Neusner).
- Climate Change and Internal Displacement in Colombia: Chronicle of a Tragedy Foretold?, 56 Case W. Rsrv. J. Int鈥檒 L. 369 (2024).
- Climate Migration and Displacement: A Case Study of Puerto Rican Women in Connecticut, 55 Conn. L. Rev. 781 (2023) (co-author with Bruni Pizarro & Tabitha Sookdeo).
- A Human Rights Approach to Climate Displacement: Examples from Central America and Colombia, 31 Mich. St. Int鈥檒 L. Rev. 403 (2023) (co-author with Juliana V茅lez-Echeverri).
- Implementing Nature's Rights in Colombia: The Arato and Amazon Experiences, 54 Rev. Derecho del Estado 227 (2023) (co-author with Whitney Richardson).
Book Chapter
- 鈥淭eaching Professional Responsibility During the Climate Emergency,鈥 in Educating Lawyers for Climate and Environmental Justice: Theory and Practice (Richard Grimes, Stephen Levett & Rebecca Samaras, eds., 2024).
David Cassuto
- Powerless Beings: Solitary Confinement of Humans and Nonhumans in America, 102 Neb. L. Rev. 527 (2024) (co-author with Michael B. Mushlin).
Other Writings
- Animals in Brazil: Economic, Legal and Ethical Perspectives, 13 J. Animal Ethics 96 (2023) (book review).
Bridget J. Crawford
- Hot Flash: How The Law Ignores Menopause and What We Can Do About It (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Emily Gold Waldman & Naomi R. Cahn).
- Social Movements and The Law: Talking About Black Lives Matter and #MeToo (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Lolita Buckner Inniss et al.).
- Taxing Sugar Babies, 109 Minn. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Unintended Consequences of Fetal Personhood Statutes: Lessons from Tax, Trusts, and Estates, 25 Geo. J. Gender & L. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Period Rhetoric and Partisan Politics, 57 Fam. L.Q. 265 (2024) (co-author with Emily Gold Waldman).
- How Gender and Other Identity Factors Influence Attitudes Toward Will Making: Lessons from Australia, 49 ACTEC L.J. 27 (2023) (co-author with Tina Cockburn, Kelly Purser, Ho Fai Chan, Stephen Whyte & Uwe Dulleck).
- A Behavioral Economics Analysis of Will-Making Preferences in Australia: When to Begin and Who Should Have Input?, 32 Minn. J. Int鈥檒 L. 1 (2023) (co-author with Tina Cockburn, Kelly Purser, Ho Fai Chan, Stephen Whyte & Uwe Dulleck).
- Yesterday's Protestor May Be Tomorrow's Saint: Reimagining the Tax System Through the Work of Dorothy Day, 76 Tax L. Rev. 217 (2023) (co-author with W. Edward Afield).
- Pink Tax and Other Tropes, 33 Yale J.L. & Feminism 88 (2023).
Book Chapters
- 鈥淢enopause Discrimination at Work,鈥 in Research Handbook on Law, Society and Ageing (Sue Westwood & Nancy J. Knauer eds., forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Naomi R. Cahn & Emily Gold Waldman).
- 鈥淢enopause Equity in the Workplace: Perspectives From the US,鈥 in Menopause Equity in the Workplace: Menopause Discrimination Across Institutional Contexts: An Intersectional Approach (Sue Westwood & Jo Brewis eds., forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Emily Gold Waldman & Naomi R. Cahn).
- 鈥淯sing Feminist Judgments in Upper-Level Law Courses: Teaching Justice and Equality Across the Curriculum,鈥 in Integrating Doctrine & Diversity: Inclusion & Equity Beyond the First Year (Nicole Dyszlewski et al. eds., 2024) (co-author with Kathryn M. Stanchi).
Other Writings
- Step-Up in Basis: Policy Perspectives on a Longstanding Tax Loophole, __ Geo. Wash. Bus. & Fin. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Crystal Lichtenberger, Kaitlin Maguire & Gigi McQuillan).
- A Human Right to Healthy Menstruation, 25 Geo. J. Gender & L. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- A Tax National Anthem, 21 Pitt. Tax Rev. 143 (2023).
- Menstruation in a Post-Dobbs World, 97 N.Y.U. L. Rev. Online 6 (2023) (co-author with Emily Gold Waldman).
- Dispatches from U.S. Feminist Judgments 2022 Summer Feminist Legal Theory Series: Spotlight on New Books in the Field鈥擥ender, Race and Diversity in the Center of the Conversation, 31 Feminist Legal Stud. 395 (2023) (co-author with Kathryn M. Stanchi).
- Gift Tax Consequences of Luxury Hospitality: An Introduction, 179 Tax Notes 1157 (2023) (co-author with Victoria Haneman & Jonathan G. Blattmachr).
- Title IX and 鈥淢enstruation or Related Conditions,鈥 30 Mich. J. Gender & L. 101 (2023) (co-author with Marcy L. Karin, Elizabeth B. Cooper, Margaret E. Johnson, Emily Gold Waldman & Naomi R. Cahn).
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- Federal Taxes on Gratuitous Transfers: Law and Planning (2d ed. 2023) (co-author with Joseph M. Dodge, Wendy C. Gerzog, Jennifer Bird-Pollan & Victoria J. Haneman).
Visit Bridget J. Crawford's Profile
Jason J. Czarnezki
- Managing Disclosures: ESG Alphabet Soup for Multinational Asset Management Firms, __ N.Y.U. J. L. & Bus. __ (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Maggie Pahl & Michael Hamersky).
- Disclosure, Greenwashing & The Future of ESG Litigation, 81 Wash. & Lee. L. Rev. 545 (2024) (co-author with Barbara Ballan).
- Sustainable Business Law & The Role of ESG Lawyers, 31 N.Y.U. Env鈥檛. L.J. 3 (2023) (co-author with Joshua Galperin & Brianna M. Grimes).
- A Brief History of Wisconsin Conservation, 107 Marq. L. Rev. 519 (2023) (co-author with Carolyn Drell).
Visit Jason J. Czarnezki's Profile
James J. Fishman
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- New York Non profit Law and Practice (3d ed. Supp. 2023) (co-author with Victoria B. Bjorklund, Daniel L. Kurtz & Karen Alinauskis).
- Nonprofit Organizations: Cases and Materials (6th ed. Student Update Memorandum 2023) (co-author with Stephen Schwarz & Lloyd Hitoshi Mayer).
- A Random Stroll Among Anthony Trollope鈥檚 Lawyers, 11 Brit. J. Am. Legal Stud. 1 (2022), reprinted and published in three issues of Trollopiana, the publication of the Trollope Society (U.K.).
Joshua Galperin
- Interpreting Congress, __ Wis. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025)
- Governing Private Governance, 56 Ariz. St. L.J. 765 (2024).
- Democracy, Climate Change, and the Major Questions Doctrine, __ St. John鈥檚 L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- A Restatement of Democracy, 69 Vill. L. Rev. 55 (2024).
- Exploring Democratic Accountability in the Administrative State, 21 Geo. J. of L. & Pub. Pol鈥檡 375 (2023).
- Sustainable Business Law & The Role of ESG Lawyers, 31 N.Y.U. Env鈥檛 L.J. 3 (2023) (co-author with Jason J. Czarnezki & Brianna M. Grimes).
Book Chapters
- 鈥4Cs at 4C: Counting, Contestation, Communication, and Consideration for Collectively Constructing Concepts of Climate Change,鈥 in Adapting to a 4掳 World (Katrina Fischer Kuh & Shannon Roessler, eds., forthcoming 2024).
- 鈥淐an we love invasive species to death?,鈥 in Love Them to Death: Turning Invasive Plants into Local Economic Opportunities (Wendy Applequist, ed., forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Sara E. Kuebbing & Martin Nunez).
Other Writings
- Accessioning Joy, __ Env鈥檛 L. Rep. __ (forthcoming 2024) (essay as part of a larger collection) (co-author with others).
Bennett L. Gershman
- Samia v. United States鈥An Inexplicable and Unprincipled Decision, __ Crim. L. Bull. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Despair for Democracy, __ 无码专区 L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- Modern Constitutional Law: Cases, Notes, and Questions (13th ed. 2024).
- Modern Constitutional Law: Cases, Notes, and Questions, 2023 Supplement (12th ed. 2023).
- Prosecutorial Misconduct (2d ed. 2023鈥2024 Supp.).
- Criminal Trial Error and Misconduct (3d ed. 2023 Supp.).
Visit Bennett L. Gershman's Profile
Shelby D. Green
- Transmogrification of Moratoria in Support of Rent Regulations: False Steps to Affordable Housing, 58 U.S.F.L. Rev. 314 (2024).
- The Intentional Community: Toward Inclusion and Climate-Cognizance, 62 Washburn L.J. 243 (2023).
- Monuments Without Faces, 71 Wash. U.J.L. & Pol鈥檡 19 (2023).
Book Chapter
- 鈥淓scrow Agreements,鈥 in Attorney Escrow Accounts (Peter V. Coffey & Anne Reynolds Copps eds., 2023) (co-author with Joseph M. Walsh).
Visit Shelby D. Green's Profile
Alexander K.A. Greenawalt
鈥橶ith Intent to Destroy, in Whole or in Part鈥: Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, and A Lost History, 2024 Wis. L. Rev. 933 (2024).
Visit Alexander K.A. Greenawalt's Profile
Lissa Griffin
Book Chapters
- 鈥淩ecent Issues in US Jury Deliberations,鈥 in Principios Procesales Para Una Justicia Actual (Yolanda DeLucchi L贸pez-Tapia & Antonio Mar铆a Lara L贸pez eds., 2023).
- 鈥淭eaching (In)Justice: Navigating the Fault Lines in Criminal Procedure,鈥 in Teaching of Rights and Justice in the Law School: Challenges and Opportunities for Research Led Teaching (Chris Monaghan & Steven Hurley eds., forthcoming 2024).
Jill I. Gross
- The Federal Arbitration Act: Successes, Failures, and a Roadmap for Reform (co-edited with Richard A. Bales, forthcoming 2024).
- Post-Pandemic FINRA Arbitration: To Zoom or Not to Zoom?, 52 Stetson L. Rev. 363 (2023).
Book Chapters
- 鈥淒rahozal on Southland: The Danger of Binary Thinking,鈥 in Discussions in Dispute Resolution (Volume II): The Coming of Age (2000鈥2009) (A. Hinshaw, A. Schneider & S. Cole eds., forthcoming 2025).
- 鈥淩BG and Arbitration,鈥 in The Jurisprudential Legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Ann Bartow & Ryan Vacca eds., 2023).
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- Broker-Dealer Law and Regulation (5th ed. Supp. 2022, 2023 and 2024) (co-author with James Fanto & Norman Poser).
Jack Hornickel
- Bearing the Torch: A Green New Deal for New York State Agriculture, 40 无码专区 Env鈥檛 L. Rev. 131 (2023).
Visit Jack Hornickel's Profile
Katrina Fischer Kuh
- Eco-Necrotourism and Public Land Management: Last Chance Tourism, Ecological Grief, and the World鈥檚 Disappearing Natural Wonders, 51 Fla. St. L. Rev. 133 (2024) (co-author with Robin Craig).
- New York鈥檚 Constitutional Guarantee of Environmental Rights, ____ N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol鈥檡 __ (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Scott Fein & Nicholas Robinson).
Book Chapters
- 鈥淐an the Constitution Save the Planet?,鈥 in Democracy in a Hotter Time (David W. Orr ed. 2023) (co-author with James R. May).
- 鈥淎voiding Performative Climate Justice,鈥 in Adapting to a 4掳 World (K. Kuh & S. Roesler eds., forthcoming 2024).
Visit Katrina Fischer Kuh's Profile
Vanessa H. Merton
- Betrayal of Trust, Restoration of Hope: How to Enforce the Law and Transform the Lives of Immigrants Ripped Off and Damaged by Bad Lawyers and Scammer Notarios, 97 St. John鈥檚 L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
Jessica Miles
- Disgusted Judges and Domestic Violence, 55 Seton Hall L. Rev. 353 (2024)
Michael B. Mushlin
- Powerless Beings: Solitary Confinement of Humans and Nonhumans in America, 102 Neb. L. Rev. 527 (2024) (co-author with David N. Cassuto).
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- Rights of Prisoners (5th ed. 2023 Supp.).
Visit Michael B. Mushlin's Profile
Smita Narula
- From Food Security to Food Sovereignty: Transforming Food Systems through Law and Practice, Ind. J. Global Legal Stud. (forthcoming, 2024).
- Realizing the Right to Food in Maine: Insights from International Law, 76 Me. L. Rev. 165 (2024).
- Confronting State Violence: Lessons from India鈥檚 Farmer Protests, 54 Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 89 (2022).
Other Writings
- Peasants鈥 Rights and Food Systems Governance, in The United Nations Declaration on Peasants鈥 Rights (Mariagrazia Alabrese et al. eds., 2022).
- 鈥淔ood is finally on the table of global environmental summits, but to what end?鈥 American College of Environmental Lawyers (ACOEL) Blog (December 2022).
John R. Nolon
Other Writings
- Constructing a Sustainable Future: Net-Zero Cities, 38 Nat. Res. & Env鈥檛. 37 (2023) (co-author with Gabriella Mickel & Hailey Pedicano).
Richard L. Ottinger
- A Tale of Two Cities: A Comparison of Air Pollution Governance in the Los Angeles Area of the USA and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region of China (2024) (co-author with Wang Xi).
Visit Richard L. Ottinger's Profile
Margot J. Pollans
- Abundance and Other Food Fixations, __ U. Colo. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Gender Regrets: Banning Abortion and Gender Affirming Care, 2024 Utah L. Rev. 763 (2024) (co-author with Noa Ben-Asher).
Book Chapter
- 鈥淏odies as Food System Sacrifice Zones,鈥 in Research Handbook on International Food Law (Michael T. Roberts ed., 2023).
Visit Margot J. Pollans's Profile
Paul Rink
- Conceptualizing U.S. Climate Rights Strategic Litigation, __ Harv. Env鈥檛 L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2025).
Nicholas A. Robinson
- New York鈥檚 Constitutional Guarantee of Environmental Rights, __ N.Y.U. J. Legis. & Pub. Pol鈥檡 __ (forthcoming 2024) (coauthor with Scott Fein & Katrina Fischer Kuh).
- The Judiciary: Breathing Life into the Human Right to Life, 53 Env鈥檛 Pol鈥檡 & L. 99 (2023).
Visit Nicholas A. Robinson's Profile
Michelle S. Simon
- The Federal Future of Medication Abortion, 57 Ind. L. Rev. 613 (2024).
- Against a Uniform Law on the Income Taxation of Trusts, 61 U. Louisville L. Rev. 317 (2023).
Visit Michelle S. Simon's Profile
Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer
- A Supreme Sidestep: The Justices鈥 Artful Dodge on Platform Immunity, __ Nw. J. Tech. & Intell. Prop. __ (forthcoming 2025)
- Defamation in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, __ N.Y.U. Ann. Surv. Am. L. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Destroying Defamation, 14 Harv. J. Sports & Ent. L. 229 (2023).
Updates, Supplements and New Editions
- Criminal Defense Techniques (2023 ed.) (co-author with Stuart Sacks & Alison Garfield).
Visit Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer's Profile
James Toomey
- Reinach and the Foundations of Private Law (co-ed. with Marietta Auer, Paul B. Miller & Henry E. Smith, forthcoming 2024).
- Executor Discretion, __ Iowa L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Love, Liberalism, Substituted Judgment, 99 Ind. L.J. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- 鈥淩eligion,鈥 Before Darwin, 101 Wash. U.L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
- Property鈥檚 Boundaries, 109 Va. L. Rev. 131 (2023).
- The Age of Fraud, 60 Harv. J. Legis. 101 (2023).
- Narrative Capacity, 100 N.C. L. Rev. 1073 (2022).
Book Chapter
- 鈥淒arwin鈥檚 Reinach,鈥 in Reinach and the Foundations of Private Law (Marietta Auer et al. eds.) (forthcoming 2024).
Achinthi C. Vithanage
- EV for EV: Equity and Viability in the EV Legal Landscape, 55 U. Mem. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2024).
Book Chapters
- 鈥淭he Relationship Between the ILBI and International Environmental Law,鈥 in The Marine Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: Commentary and Analysis (David Freestone & Joanna Mossop, eds., forthcoming Brill 2024).
- 鈥淏BNJ Treaty, Chapter Z 路 International Environmental and Resources Law,鈥 in Environment, Energy, and Resources Law: The Year in Review 2023 Z-1 (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with ThuLan Pham).
Other Writings
- Within the Cradle of Legal Practice, Env鈥檛 F., Nov.-Dec. 2023, at 43.
- ABA at COP28: Calling on the Legal Community for a Common Cause, ABA: Trends: Section of Env鈥檛, Energy & Res. (Mar. 1, 2024) (co-author with Nadia Ahmad).
Visit Achinthi C. Vithanage's Profile
Emily Gold Waldman
- Hot Flash: How Understanding Menopause Can Improve Life and Law for Everyone (forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Naomi R. Cahn & Bridget J. Crawford).
- Period Rhetoric and Partisan Politics, 57 Fam. L.Q. 265 (2024) (co-author with Bridget J. Crawford).
- Just Extracurriculars?, 108 Minn. L. Rev. 795 (2023).
Book Chapters
- 鈥淢enopause Discrimination at Work,鈥 in Research Handbook on Law, Society and Ageing (Sue Westwood & Nancy J. Knauer eds., forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Bridget Crawford & Naomi R. Cahn).
- 鈥淢enopause Equity in the Workplace: Perspectives From the US,鈥 in Menopause Equity in the Workplace: Menopause Discrimination Across Institutional Contexts: An Intersectional Approach (Sue Westwood & Jo Brewis eds., forthcoming 2024) (co-author with Bridget J. Crawford & Naomi R. Cahn).
Other Writings
- Menstruation in a Post-Dobbs World, 97 N.Y.U. L. Rev. Online 6 (2023) (co-author with Bridget J. Crawford).
- Title IX and 鈥淢enstruation or Related Conditions,鈥 30 Mich. J. Gender & L. 101 (2023) (co-author with Marcy L. Karin, Elizabeth B. Cooper, Margaret E. Johnson, Bridget J. Crawford & Naomi R. Cahn).
Visit Emily Gold Waldman's Profile
Scholarship selections updated as of September 2024.