
Student providing hands-on learning for a communication disorder

Academic Integrity Policy

Graduate candidates must accept the responsibility to be honest and to respect ethical standards in meeting their academic and clinical assignments and requirements. Integrity in academic and clinical life requires that graduate candidates demonstrate intellectual and academic achievement independent of all assistance except that authorized by the instructor. The use of an outside source in any academic assignment, paper, report, or submission for academic credit without the appropriate acknowledgment is plagiarism. It is also academically dishonest to submit anything in electronic form as one鈥檚 own that is the work, either fully or in part, of someone else. It is unethical to present as one鈥檚 own work, the ideas, words, or representations of another without the proper indication of the source. It is the graduate candidate鈥檚 responsibility to give credit to any quotation, idea, or data borrowed from an outside source. Candidates who fail to meet the responsibility for academic integrity subject themselves to sanctions, ranging from a reduction in grade or failure in the assignment or course in which the offense occurred to suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from the University.

无码专区鈥檚 Academic Integrity Code, effective January 2017, is located in the CSD Academic and Clinical Graduate Student Handbook. All graduate candidates are required to read and follow this policy. Sections I and II discuss the philosophy of academic integrity and the Academic Integrity Code and academic misconduct and violations of the Code, respectively; Section III with procedures, IV with the appeal process, V with sanctions, VI time periods of disciplinary actions, and VII amendments and modifications to this Code.

In addition, the 鈥渞eflects what we value as professionals and establishes expectations for our scientific and clinical practice based on principles of duty, accountability, fairness, and responsibility.鈥 It is intended to be used as one tool to educate you regarding expected professional conduct, and adherence to ethical principles and standards.