
Alyona Kulik

Clinical Associate Professor
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
Mathematics PLV

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CIT 231: Web Authoring & Digital Media
CS 113: Mathematical Structures for CS
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics
MAT 100: Fundamental Mathematics (CAP)
MAT 102: Math for Life: Intgrtd Review
MAT 102: Mathematics for Life
MAT 102: Mathematics for Life - (CAP)
MAT 104: Finite Math: Integrated Review
MAT 104: Finite Mathematics
MAT 111: Elementary Calculus I
MAT 117: Elementary Statistics
MAT 130: Precalculus
MAT 131: Calculus I
MAT 132: Calculus II
MAT 137: Intro to Discrete Mathematics
MAT 311: Real Analysis