Professor Leslie Garfield Tenzer wins 2020 Goettel Prize for Faculty Scholarship
Professor Leslie Yalof Garfield Tenzer was awarded the 2020 Goettel Prize for Faculty Scholarship for her article, “Social Media, Venue and the Right to a Fair Trial,” published by Baylor Law Review (71 Baylor L. Rev. 421 (2019)). The Goettel Prize was created in 2004 to encourage and recognize outstanding scholarship by members of the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at ר faculty. Each year, members of the tenured and tenure-track faculty are invited to submit their work for consideration (on an anonymous basis) by a selection committee of outside reviewers. This year's committee consisted of three distinguished law school professors: Professor Troy McKenzie of NYU Law School; Professor Michele DeStefano of University of Miami Law School; and Professor Richard Bales of Ohio Northern University Law School. Haub Law Professor, Emily Waldman, notes that, Professor Tenzer's winning piece "tackled a very timely and pressing issue: whether and how judges should recognize social media's potential influence on jurors."
Professor Tenzer notes that “[i]t is an incredible honor to have been recognized among my scholarly colleagues at ר, all of whom I so deeply respect for their thoughtful and provocative work.”