Student sitting between two library bookshelves on laptop wearing headphones

English (New York City)

The Power of Language

As a student majoring in English on ÎÞÂëרÇø’s New York City campus, you’ll go beyond cultivating writing and analysis skills. You’ll stimulate your intellectual curiosity, build global awareness, and develop cultural appreciation for literature as an art form. Through exploring the historical and ethical dimensions of literature, you’ll discover the power of language, and develop critical thinking and communication skills that are in high demand in today’s competitive job market.

My ÎÞÂëרÇø education fundamentally changed the way I view the world around me, and I carry that in my current work, both as an artist and as a teacher. In a lot of ways, I spent college unlearning the rigidity I absorbed in my earlier education. Now as a teacher, I work hard for my classroom to be a space that encourages experimentation and freedom.

—Jordan Little ’18
English and Women’s and Gender Studies

Unique Opportunities

Continue to hone your craft in an abundance of English-base on-campus opportunities including our student newspaper and literary magazine, English department student committee, and mentoring program.

Each year, monetary awards are presented to English students who have excelled in the areas of literary criticism, linguistic and rhetorical analysis, journalism, comics and graphic novels, playwriting, writing for film and television, nonfiction, poetry, fiction, and writing on film.

Aphros is ÎÞÂëרÇø’s undergraduate literary magazine in New York, published yearly. It provides an avenue for ÎÞÂëרÇø writers and visual artists to see their work published and to develop their craft through readings and group workshops.

Success Starts Here

Maria Snelling

I chose ÎÞÂëרÇø because I wanted a small and interactive learning environment, and because of the incredible opportunities the university has to offer, which includes combined degree programs, internships, and career connections [...] My sophomore year at ÎÞÂëרÇø, a few of my English professors suggested I pursue the sequential degree program in English and Publishing, since it coincides directly which what I want to do in the future. This program was very appealing, especially since I had the opportunity to finish my bachelor’s and master’s in five years, a year earlier than most.

Full interview with Maria Snelling '20 '21

Recent Alumni Careers

  • Mae Martinez '21, English: Editorial Assistant, Bantam Books
  • Brooke Sufrin ’21, English: Custom Editions Team, Penguin Random House
  • Catherine Kennison ’21, English: MA Program in Composition and Rhetoric, Northeastern University
  • Elise Graham ’20, English: MA Program in Literature at University of Edinburgh
  • Danielle Layton ’19, English and Communication Studies: Associate Production Manager, NBC News; Freelance Journalist
  • Shivani Annirood ’17, English: Publicist; Little, Brown and Company
  • Asanté Simons ’17, English: Associate Editor, Harper Collins


Associate Professor
Department Co-Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY
Department Co-Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY
Associate Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY
Associate Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY
Associate Professor
Associate Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY


Betsy Tomala

Program Coordinator
41 Park Row, Room 1514
New York, NY 10038
Phone: (212) 346-1418
Email: btomala@pace.edu